The dominant feature of Výstaviště is the Industrial Palace, which was built in 1891 as a temporary exhibition pavilion on the occasion of the Jubilee Land Centennial Exhibition. The first ever assembled steel structure combined with glass, which had no parallel in the Czech lands at the time, is still to this day a true architectural gem.
In 2008, the left wing of the palace burned down completely during a great fire. Since February 2022, with the media eagerly watching, the Palace has been undergoing a complete but sensitive reconstruction. When finished in 2026, the left wing will be presented with reference to its original industrial form, and the central hall and right wing will be complete renovated.
Upon the completion of the Palace, it will offer a multifunctional space equipped with modern technologies for social events, exhibitions, trade fairs, sales events, company presentations, conventions or cultural events, such as concerts, performances and projections.
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