The Neo-Renaissance Pavilion of the Bohemia Restaurant, or also the Petzold Restaurant, was built for the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 and is therefore one of the oldest buildings in Výstaviště. The Pavilion originally served for the presentation of the Plzeň brewery.
The first tenant of the restaurant in 1891 was the famous hotelier and restaurateur Václav Petzold, under whose name the restaurant pavilion is maintained in the list of monuments. Despite neglected maintenance and the interrupted tradition of use during the 2nd half of the 20th century, the building has been preserved in almost its original condition until now, even though it has lost its authentic equipment and a number of details. It was considerably damaged both structurally and technically. It is currently undergoing comprehensive reconstruction, which should be completed in the summer of 2022.
The maximum capacity upon completion is for 164 visitors.
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