The Neo-Renaissance building of the former Bohemia Restaurant underwent complete reconstruction, which was completed in November 2022. You can find the Pavilion on the left side of Výstaviště, next to the left wing of the Industrial Palace that burned down. It is designed for conferences, as well as social and corporate events.
The Pavilion of Plzeň's city brewery, built between 1890 and 1891 according to a design by architect František Buldra, is one of the few truly original structures remaining from the General Land Centennial Exhibition. Anyone who had a hankering for a beer at the General Land Centennial Exhibition in 1891 certainly headed here. Václav Petzold, a famous Prague restaurateur, was the first to run a restaurant here, which operated under the name Bohemia, Gastrocentrum Bohemia and also Xaver Restaurant until the early 1990s.
The building was closed for a long time and dilapidated, now it has undergone a complete reconstruction.
Pavilon Bohemia
The pavilion is open during scheduled events
Z důvodu rekonstrukce cestních sítí kolem Výstaviště dochází k omezení dostupnosti MHD a není k dispozici část parkoviště P1 u Fortuna arény.
🚶 Pěší: Ze Strossmayerova nám. doporučujeme tramvaj č. 17, vyhnete se tak pohybu na staveništi. Z Nádraží Holešovice projdete průchodem z ulice Partyzánská.
🚋 Tramvaje: Do 10. října 2025 je přerušen provoz mezi Výstavištěm a Nádražím Holešovice. Využijte tramvaj č. 17 a 6, nebo sledujte aktuální spojení na
🚗 Auta: Parkovacích míst je velmi málo, proto prosíme, zaparkujte mimo areál Výstaviště Praha. Nejbližší parkoviště najdete v OC Stromovka a A-Z parking Argentinská.
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