You can find Spirala opposite the Swimming Pool, in the lower part of the complex. It is currently undergoing reconstruction and upon its completion we plan on organising theatre performances, as well as cultural and social events.
The grand reconstruction of the former panoramic Circular Cinema was also carried out for a new theatre stage as part of the extensive General Land Centennial Exhibition project organised at Prague’s Výstaviště in 1991. The investor was the company Společnost Jubilejní výstavy, while the authors of the architectural design were Jindřich Smetana, Jan Louda, Tomáš Kulík and Zdeněk Stýblo. The building was awarded with an honourable mention at PQ (Prague Quadrennial) 1991 and in 1993 it was awarded the Grand Prix of the Community of Architects in the Reconstruction category.
The entire theatre building consists of two basic parts: a massive black cylinder and the almost invisible service spaces from the outside. While the dominant mass of the cylinder integrates an unconventionally composed stage and auditorium, the theatre's facilities spread out submissively under a surface of soil thus it does not stand out like the actual core of the theatre's structure. The central element of the interior arrangement is a spiral ramp, from which the actual name of the theatre is derived. In August 2002, the area of Prague and above all the lower-situated areas of Výstaviště were hit by a destructive flood from the Vltava River, which significantly damaged the buildings situated in the lower part of the park.
New Spirala
Under reconstruction
Z důvodu rekonstrukce cestních sítí kolem Výstaviště dochází k omezení dostupnosti MHD a není k dispozici část parkoviště P1 u Fortuna arény.
🚶 Pěší: Ze Strossmayerova nám. doporučujeme tramvaj č. 17, vyhnete se tak pohybu na staveništi. Z Nádraží Holešovice projdete průchodem z ulice Partyzánská.
🚋 Tramvaje: Do 10. října 2025 je přerušen provoz mezi Výstavištěm a Nádražím Holešovice. Využijte tramvaj č. 17 nebo sledujte aktuální spojení na
🚗 Auta: Parkovacích míst je velmi málo, proto prosíme, zaparkujte mimo areál Výstaviště Praha. Nejbližší parkoviště najdete v OC Stromovka a A-Z parking Argentinská.
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