Following their reconstruction, the roofs of the Křižík pavilions have been transformed into green terraces for public and private events. On an area of more than 6000 m2, you will find a place to relax and to entertain your children, for parties and for business meetings.
On the terrace of pavilion B (the pavilion closest to Stromovka), you can find the Terasa 67 bistro with outdoor and indoor seating and a small running circuit 132 metres long. Children will surely enjoy a good old outdoor game; hopscotch or "boule" will keep them amused. The Škoda Gardens chill zone is on the terrace of pavilion D. The roof of pavilion E is also commonly accessible, but it is leased for corporate events, among other things. From all the terraces, there is a beautiful view of the Botanical Gardens and Prague 8, and you can also watch the progress of the reconstruction of the Industrial Palace from here.
Škoda Auto is a terrace partner
ŠKODA Auto has become a partner of the terrace on Křižík Pavilion D, which it has transformed into Škoda Gardens. It offers a place for leisure and entertainment for all generations. The space will be decorated by artistic installations that were created in cooperation with young design talents, connecting greenery and waste materials from production plants. For example, unused safety belts were used for the swings. Starting from the summer, while resting on a bench, you will be able to charge your mobile phone using energy from the sun, since the roof of the bench will be covered with a solar panel. Škoda Gardens is a space not only for pedestrians, but also cyclists, and so in cooperation with Rekola, stands for these pink bikes have also found their place in Výstaviště Holešovice. You can get a 30-minute ride on a Rekola bike for free using the promo code "SkodaGardens".
Did you know that...?
They’re not called green terraces for nothing, as greenery here comprises an area of 2144.2 m2.
All the water used for irrigating the greenery on the roofs is from Výstaviště own well, controlled automatically by means of a weather station. Outdoor lighting is resolved using twilight switches. The rooftops also feature misters, drinking fountains and sunshades, which provide shade on hot days.
The entire reconstruction was based on the original design of architect Michal Brix.
The Křižík Pavilion terraces can be found in the lower park part of the Výstaviště complex.
A total of four staircases lead to them. One from the Marold Panorama, another from Goja Music Hall and two from the open air part of the complex. Barrier-free access is limited during the reconstruction of the Industrial Palace.
Střechy Křižíkových pavilonů
Open daily except during events.
Closing Dates 2024
July 19-20: Roofs KP B, C closed
July 21: Roofs KP C, D, E closed
July 28: Roofs KP C, D, E closed
August 6: Roofs KP C, D, E closed
August 10: Roofs KP C, D, E closed
August 15-17: Roofs KP C, D, E closed from August 15 at 19:00
August 22-24: Roofs KP C, D, E closed from August 22 at 19:00
August 30 - September 1: All roofs (B, C, D, E) closed
Z důvodu rekonstrukce cestních sítí kolem Výstaviště dochází k omezení dostupnosti MHD a není k dispozici část parkoviště P1 u Fortuna arény.
🚶 Pěší: Ze Strossmayerova nám. doporučujeme tramvaj č. 17, vyhnete se tak pohybu na staveništi. Z Nádraží Holešovice projdete průchodem z ulice Partyzánská.
🚋 Tramvaje: Do 10. října 2025 je přerušen provoz mezi Výstavištěm a Nádražím Holešovice. Využijte tramvaj č. 17 nebo sledujte aktuální spojení na
🚗 Auta: Parkovacích míst je velmi málo, proto prosíme, zvažte návštěvu autem. Parkoviště P2 naproti Hotelu Expo a P3 u Plaveckého bazénu mají omezenou kapacitu.
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