A circular building that is located at the bottom of the complex on the border of Stromovka Park and Výstaviště. It is open to the public from April to October and you can see the largest painting in the Czech Republic, created for the Exhibition of Architecture and Engineering in 1898.
This is a panoramic painting of the Battle of Lipany, which took place on 30 May 1434 between the Calextine armies of the Brotherhood and the Bohemian League. The only battle where Czechs fought against Czechs! When entering, you’ll be introduced to several figures in this battle – Jan of Švamberk, Diviš Bořek of Miletínek, and Prokop Holý. Those names don’t ring a bell? Then it's high time to come visit us!
In 2021, we placed a new information panel with descriptions of events, weapons and other items of interest in front of the painting. Try to find Jiří of Poděbrady, later a Czech king, for example.
How to get here?
The entrance to the Marold Panorama is on the path through Stromovka Park. If you arrive by tram, go through the park around the Planetarium and take the bottom gate to Výstaviště directly to the Marold Panorama building.
Marold´s Panorama
Mon–Sun 9:00 –12:30 / 13:00–17:30
Full - CZK 50
Discounted - CZK 25
(children aged 6–15, seniors 65+, students, ISIC)
Family - CZK 100
(max. 5 persons in various combinations, min. 1 adult, max. 4 children)
Children up to 6 years of age - free of charge
The Marold Panorama has stood on this site since 1908, though only from 1934 in its current form. The original circular pavilion, created for the placement of the large Marold canvas, was made out of wood. The idea of creating a panoramic picture of the Battle of Lipany originated in 1897, when Luděk Marold returned from Paris and offered the Praesidium of the upcoming exhibition of architecture and engineering that he would paint an unconventional picture. The idea was accepted and the work on the painting began on 7 February 1898.
The painter Karel Rašek, landscape painter Václav Jansa, scenic artist Karel Štapfer, colourist Theodor Hilšer and horse painter Ludvík Vacátko worked with Luděk Marold. The panorama was also supplemented in the foreground with real objects (e.g., a Hussite cart), which gave the overall illusion of three-dimensional space.
Ten years later, in 1908, the newly-constructed building was presented as part of the Jubilee Exhibition of the Chamber of Commerce and Trade. The wooden structure of this pavilion, however, could not bear a large amount of fallen snow, and it collapsed in 1929. The damaged painting was restored at that time by Bohumír Číla. The current appearance of the building dates back to 1934, when the five-hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Lipany was celebrated. Further restoration work was carried out in 1964, 1991 and so far for the last time in 2002–2004.
Z důvodu rekonstrukce cestních sítí kolem Výstaviště dochází k omezení dostupnosti MHD a není k dispozici část parkoviště P1 u Fortuna arény.
🚶 Pěší: Ze Strossmayerova nám. doporučujeme tramvaj č. 17, vyhnete se tak pohybu na staveništi. Z Nádraží Holešovice projdete průchodem z ulice Partyzánská.
🚋 Tramvaje: Do 10. října 2025 je přerušen provoz mezi Výstavištěm a Nádražím Holešovice. Využijte tramvaj č. 17 nebo sledujte aktuální spojení na IDOS.cz.
🚗 Auta: Parkovacích míst je velmi málo, proto prosíme, zaparkujte mimo areál Výstaviště Praha. Nejbližší parkoviště najdete v OC Stromovka a A-Z parking Argentinská.
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